Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ben Goldsmith, Campus Crusade for Christ KA


We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into….Who would have thought that when I and nine others went forward to volunteer at the Jacksonville Business Fellowship Bible Study we would each be handed a crisp $50 bill by our teacher Jim Whorton of Crown Financial Ministries and given the assignment to multiply it and invest it to bless people and extend the kingdom of God.

As my wife, Diane, and I prayed about this assignment, I knew it was from God and felt it was serious. I thought about individual needy families, at-risk children, assisting evangelistic efforts, giving out Bibles, and equipping Christians as possible assignments.

After about three weeks, God showed me that He had already given me my assignment and that it included all of the above. In May after prayer, our Here’s Life Inner City Jacksonville ministry had set the goal to train 1,850 Christians from 120 churches to evangelistically distribute a Box of Love to 3,700 un-churched needy families. Likewise, God had given us the faith goal of 1,600 people committing their lives to Christ during the distribution and being followed up by those distributing the Boxes of Love.

Yes, God had already given the assignment, with the cost of the project being $125,000. The Lord also showed me that as we sought to complete this assignment, He would cover an anticipated $25,000 short fall in our ministry operating budget between now and August 31.

Therefore, Diane and I have given $1,000 to the ministry to multiply the $50 we received with the assignment. Now I would like to ask you to join me in multiplying it and fulfilling the exciting assignment God has given us. Your check and those of others you may invite to multiply the gift would be made payable to Campus Crusade For Christ and mailed to me at 5860 Mount Carmel Terrace, Jacksonville, FL 32216. I am really thrilled to think how God is going to use this assignment He has given to help people and advance His Kingdom.

Ben Goldsmith
Jacksonville, FL
June 2009

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