Thursday, July 2, 2009

Small Group's Kingdom Assignment

If you were not in church on Sunday, you missed hearing Sharon Hawes provide an inspiring report of her Kingdom Assignment. She let the congregation know that she was touched when she met a mother of 4 who was soon going to move into a habitat for humanity home and all of the furnishings that the mother was going to bring to this new home fit in the back of her car.

Suffice to say, that God worked through Sharon with plans to brighten the hearts of this otherwise stranger and her four children. The dedication of this woman's home was this past Saturday and Sharon, with the generosity and support of others, was able to multply her $100 into fully furnishing this home as well as provide for many of the soft goods.

It is now time for us to get serious about our small group's Kingdom Assignment. A few things have happened over the last three weeks that I should report back to the group. First of all, the pastor has spoken with Richard and Diana regarding the Kingdom Assigment concept for his church and he is happy to have this brought to his church. He now has a copy of the book and is planning to be at our worship service on September 13th when we hear from Denny Bellesi and also from several of our members who have been "on assignment". Afterwards, this message will be preached at Chuck's church and we will be the catalyst for their Kingdom Assignments.

John Kunkel

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