Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Paulette's Celebration Time!!!


I’m about to wet my pants with elation!!!!!!! The Grocery guy called me today! I was supposed to be on the Ichetucknee River, and bailed out at the last minute due to the weather. I’m so very excited, even if nothing happens from here, at lease finally I got to speak with someone. He said he had not received any e-mails from me and once I checked I had missed placing a dot in his address, so my info wasn’t getting to him. Thank God I followed up with a phone call last Friday.

It’s so crazy!!!!! I hired a photographer to take some photos for me so I could go on with plan B solo, and she only had one day to work with me before she had to go out of town, so I whipped together some clothes and groceries and met with her only two days ago. She left me a CD with some of the images on her porch yesterday on her way to the airport. I buzzed by and picked them up not thinking twice about taking an action until she return ed later in the month.

Then, as I sit here sad in the rain…… my cell phone rang and it was him!!!!!

Please start praying now that the emails and images will be well received. He plans to pass it along to the Marketing Department.

I need to scream really loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 8, 2009

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